SO this is a mad Crazy Concept for 2 Reasons..
1: Being that this is a cell phone that just wraps around your wrist like a watch.. In my mind i think its a Mad Fresh idea.. Lets think about it.. how many time have you dropped your phone or missed placed your phone because you didn't know where it was.. I personally drop my phone a lot, ( like getting out the car and the phone is in my lap..I know im not the only one haha) The design is Dope, it unfolds to a sleek star trek designs and Coils over into a watch design..
2: After reading the caption on their site as to why it was designed I was a lil thrown off.. The concept of the phone is an "Emergency Phone".. So say you and your Blackberry Storm are headed to Paris for say the fashion shows and you somehow get lost or plane crashed(God Forbid) and your in a foreign country with no service.. Your Emergency pre-paid Wrist phone comes to the Rescue lol.. Check out the article let me know what you thinK....//www.yankodesign.com
Dont be shocked if you see me wit it lol

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